Tuesday, February 22, 2011

WOLF life.

The wolf is the largest member of the canine family. As the ancestor of the domestic dog, the gray wolf resembles German shepherds or malamutes.

Wolves are amazing creatures that people think are evil. But wolves aren't dangerous and people misunderstood them. Wolves are not as evil as people think. 

A good way to understand wolves is to learn more about them, and here you can.
Today, wolves are protected in some areas, hunted for sport in others, or may be subject to population control or extermination as threats to livestock and pets. 

agency that protect WOLF

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service)

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has once again listed the gray wolf on the Endangered Species List.


National Parks Conversations Asscociation

The WOLF Forest Protection Movement
an environmental non-profit non-government organization (NGO) working to preserve natural forests and their wildlife in Slovakia and the whole of Central and Eastern Europe. 

It was established in 1993 as a Slovak movement of friends of forests. The organization was founded by members of the SZOPK (Slovak Union of Nature and Landscape Preservers) group. 
WOLF, lead by Juraj Lukac, has worked in the forests of the Saris region in eastern Slovakia since 1980.
 The experience of this group became a basis for the practical activities of the WOLF Forest Protection Movement.  


Monday, February 21, 2011

population of WOLF

During the past two centuries, more and more people have spread out across the world. Wolves need especially large, wild areas to live in, with plenty of food. 

Today, the wolf is classified as an endangered species in all parts of the United States except Minnesota and Alaska. 

The endangered classification means that the killing of wolves is strictly controlled by federal law.

Wolf Population and Distribution

In the U.S. there are an estimated 6,000 to 8,000 wolves in Alaska and 2,700 in the lower 48 states. 

Alaska map

Saturday, February 19, 2011

WOLF habitat

The wolves habitats can be found in places such as ::

 Arabian peninsula

The Common Wolf is able to adapt to a variety of surroundings. 
As long as they can find food and they have a large habitat to move around in they seem to do very well. 

They are known to live in regions that include :: 

  mountains, plains, deserts, grasslands, and even some urban locations. 
They are found throughout Northern America.

Today, serve as the gray wolf habitat ::

 North-central Russia

 Occasionally, these gray wolves have been reported in the states of Dakota and Nebraska.

Gray WOLF eating habits.

The gray wolf feeds primarily on mammals larger than itself, including deer, moose, wapiti, and bison. 

Beavers are also consistently part of their diet. Gray wolves may hunt singly or in packs. Gray wolves require 2.5 kilograms of meat per day, or approximately one deer every eighteen days. 

However, a wolf may consume almost 10 kg of flesh at one feeding and can fast for two weeks between kills.

When a wolf is a loner, he will take smaller game, such as rabbits, squirrels, and even mice.

Monday, February 14, 2011

starting of my blog

ehem. ehem.

This blog just belong for my E-LEARNING subject, ITE 3543 which required to prepared about wild animal. I have choose Wolf as my task. 

This blog are prepared for Madam Hawinda Karmon as my subject lecturer.